General Information & Playing Rules

General League Information: 

ABUSIVE AND DISCRIMINATORY BEHAVIORS—physical, verbal, psychological—defined as any language and/or action used that is intended to insult, degrade, threaten, frighten, harm or harass any participant of an ACSA activity (players, referees, spectator, etc) will not be tolerated by our community (including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, xenophobia, etc).

  • ACSA is a volunteer run non-charitable nonprofit organization (501C4). Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) and Division Commissioners are elected from the pool of team captains in good standing with the league.  All Committee Chairs, Coordinators and other positions are appointed by the President. The Referee Coordinator is a paid employee of the league earning a monthly stipend.
  • ACSA is a full field, 90-min, 11v11 outdoor recreational league.
  • We have 3 seasons a year: Fall (Sept-Dec), Spring (Feb-May), Summer (Jun-Aug). All matches are played Saturdays on a rotating schedule of 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 (times slightly adjust in November when the times changes). With the exception of Summer seasons during World Cup years, full schedules are posted before the start of the season.
  • We adhere to the same International Football Association Board (IFAB) rules that govern FIFA with a few exceptions (see ACSA playing rules highlights below).  Download a PDF of the IFAB Laws of the Game here, or you can download the app to your phone.
  • Every player MUST be currently registered with the league to participate. This means that every player must register AND pay for an ACSA player card through our Ateamo system, AND be listed on the photo roster. You get invited to register by a team captain. Beginning January 1, 2025, player cards are $25 and are valid from January 1 to December 31, renewed annually.
  • In addition to player card fees and team registration fee (varies each season), each team is responsible for paying referees each match ($50). Referees use Venmo, Cashapp and sometimes Paypal. ACSA schedules 1 center referee per match.
  • Teams need to have matching shirts (jerseys preferred) with visible numbers on the back.
  • Forfeits within 48 hours of scheduled match time incur a financial penalty of covering ref fees for both teams ($100) and potentially additional administrative fees. Forfeits must be received at least 48 hours in advance of your scheduled time to all correct parties ( AND the opposing team captains) to avoid financial penalty. Team Captain contact information is located on the standings page and in the Captains’ google drive.

ACSA playing rules highlights (click here for full ACSA playing rules – below highlights reflect most recent changes that may not be included in the full rules document):

The ten (10) field players may consist of more than five (5) women, but no more than five (5) men (there is NO exception to this). The goalie may be male or female and does NOT count towards field player allocations. Gender fluid and non-binary players self-select their field identity with their captains and if there are any questions, captains should be pulled aside to privately resolve. We respect gender identities. There is no guest player limit.

REQUIRED MINIMUM TO START A MATCH is 6 field players and 1 goalie—at least 1 of the field players must be female-identifying.

90min with two 45min halves (5min halftime). Water breaks may be given in each half if both captains agree (required in Summer season). Water breaks do not exceed 1-2min and the game clock keeps running.

If a team does not have the required minimum to start a match 15 min after scheduled game start, the team must forfeit and pay all ref fees ($100). All matches must end at least 10 minutes before the next match scheduled on the same field. If necessary, halftime will be reduced and both halves shortened equally in order to end on time.

SUBSTITUTION is open/unlimited, but can happen ONLY during goal kicks and throw-ins ON POSSESION, kick-off, for injury, and returning from water breaks or halftime. IF the team with possession subs, both teams are permitted to sub. In Summer, subbing is allowed for both teams on any stoppage.

• All goals by any player are 1 point.
• No player may score more than 3 goals a match.
• A goal is attributed to the last offensive player to touch the ball before it passes over the goal line. A deflection is defined as a shot deemed ON TARGET, but redirected by a defender.
• An own goal is awarded only if the defender makes an intervention which results in the goal being scored, and it was NOT PREVIOUSLY ON TARGET.

A sliding tackle or slide tackle is a tackle in which a player deliberately leaves their feet to slide along the ground and take the ball away from the opposing player. Slide tackles result in direct free kick.* Goalies are permitted to slide tackle in side the goal box as long as they are going for the ball.

A player may slide as long as there are no other players involved or impacted.** e.g. keeping a ball in play. A referee may stop play at their discretion for sliding if they feel the slide was too close to other players or created a dangerous situation.

*A penalty kick is awarded if a player commits a direct free kick offence inside their penalty area or off the field as part of play as outlined in IFAB Laws 12 and 13.
**playing the ball while on the ground is not permitted and considered dangerous play.

Best practice is for players to leave jewelry at home. If this is not possible, they should remove dangling items that could get caught or cause injury to others.

“Decisions will be made to the best of the referee’s ability according to the [laws] and the ‘spirit of the game’ and will be based on the opinion of the referee, who has the discretion to take appropriate action within the framework of the [laws]. The decisions of the referee regarding facts connected with play, including whether or not a goal is scored and the result of the match, are final. The decisions of the referee, and all other match officials, must always be respected.”